Thursday, November 27, 2008

How to graph a data if all are string in openoffice calc

Let say you have a data that shows all the reasons why subscribers are being disconnected.

and you want to make a graph out of that data that will show how many subscribers really fall under those reasons.

Heres how you do it in Spreadsheet (Calc).

use the COUNTIF finction in Spreadsheet,countif returns the number of cells that meet with certain criteria within a cell range.

=COUNTIF(E19:E32;"cant afford to pay")
=COUNTIF(E19:E32;"Tv Defect")

once you have the data as shown below, it time to graph.

Cant afford to pay 7
Tv Defect 3

Hight light those two data then go to Insert --> Chart (Just follow the wizard), output bellow:

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