First Posted 09:37:00 11/25/2008
Identity theft is using someone’s identity to get money, purchase goods and services, or receive other benefits.
According to Citibank's Use Credit Wisely website, “identity theft happens when someone accesses essential elements of a person’s identifying information in order to commit fraud or theft. This information includes name, address, Tax Identification Number (TIN), Social Security number, date of birth and mother’s maiden name.”
With the Internet, identity theft can happen anywhere, even here in the Philippines. It is fraud that is perpetrated by criminals in many ways to open credit card accounts, obtain loans and even mortgages in someone else’s name. Some even hack e-mail accounts then send a hoax e-mail asking for financial help from friends and relatives using the victim’s own e-mail address and contact list. Or the fraudsters may use someone’s identity to illegally obtain resident status in other countries or commit other crimes.
How to Protect your self from identity theft:
1. Protect your mailbox. This refers to your physical mailbox at your place of residence. Always remove your mail as soon as the mailman makes a delivery. Identity thieves have been known to steal mail and go through them to obtain information that can be valuable to them.
2. Protect your wallet. Some people keep a lot of stuff in their wallet—old receipts, credit card charge slips, ATM receipts, deposit slips, and all IDs, including their SSS and TIN cards. Minimize your risk by keeping items with personal information in a safe place at home. If you don’t need your SSS and TIN cards for the day, for instance, leave them at home. Make it a habit to go through your wallet and shred receipts and other papers if you don’t need them anymore.
3. Protect your credit and debit cards. As soon as you receive your credit card, sign on the back immediately. Never let anyone use your credit card. Don’t write down your ATM PIN or account number. When you change addresses and phone numbers, inform your credit card issuer and bank as soon as possible. Report stolen or lost cards right away.
4. Protect your computer. Use an anti-virus software, as well as a firewall and anti-spyware software. This will help deter criminals’ efforts in stealing your personal information. Also, visit only secure websites (those with “https” in the address and a small padlock icon in the lower right hand corner). Regularly update your browser so new plugs for security holes can be installed. Don’t open mysterious e-mail attachments from people you do not know. These attachments may contain viruses that fish for information and may lead you to dummy sites where you will be led to input financial information.
5. Refrain from accessing your financial accounts through a public computer. If you do online banking, do so in the privacy of your home or office where you have anti-virus, firewall, and anti-spyware programs installed. Always log off after doing online banking.
6. Monitor your accounts. Go over your billing statements and bank accounts regularly. As soon as you spot an irregular transaction, call the bank or credit card company.
If you feel you have been victimized by identity thieves, take action immediately.
1. Contact creditors. These include credit card companies, phone companies, utility companies, banks, and other lenders. Explain what happened. Close accounts that have been tampered with and open new ones with new PINs and strong, hard-to-guess passwords.
2. File a police report. Get a copy and give one to the bank and other creditors.
Take extra steps to make sure identity theft does not happen to you again.
When you have closed tampered accounts, open a new account that would offer more security, such as a password before any inquiry or change can be made.
For stolen checks or checking accounts that have been tampered, issue a stop payment instruction. Cancel your ATM card and request for a new one then have a new PIN.
If your investment account has been hacked, report it immediately to your broker or account officer.
If a new phone service has been subscribed for using your name and you are being billed for it, contact the phone company right away and cancel the account.
Identity theft is a real crime, but as more people become aware of it and observe safeguards, there will be fewer victims around.